To alleviate the high level of corruption in Nigeria, the first step is for Nigerians to realize that no political elite, government institution, or president can effectively curb corruption alone unless the average Nigerian participates. We cannot eliminate corruption if we accept corruption. This means CHANGING the mindset of Nigerians and dislodging the Nigerian acceptance of corruption. As a people we need to revolt against the status quo and rise up and demand better of ourselves and others. It is this new metal of integrity and personal responsibility that will forge a new nation. The Mbonu administration will provide protections and incentives for people to do what is right with a strong whistleblower law. The world is what we make of it and each Nigerian must feel personally responsible for shaping the future of our nation. It is a national perogative that we need to incorporate into the spirit of our nation of doing what is right. This education must start early and be focused upon through university studies.